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C-Scene is a free online magazine devoted to C and C++ programming. We invite
you to read and contribute.
Please consider a mirror site near you to read C-Scene.
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Articles are organized into topics, please click on one of the links in the
side-bar menu to view an article index for the topic you are interested in.
Each topic is managed by an editor and you'll find contact info on
that index page.
There will also be a global article index and a means to search
for keywords in the near future.
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Before C-Scene adopted topics, articles were organized into separate issues.
You can jump to the issues published so far using the following links:
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 3 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 5 ]
[ 6 ]
[ 7 ]
[ 8 ]
[ 9 ]
A detailed article index is also available.
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There are several mirrors of
C-Scene. [http://cscene.org/]
Please choose one that is close to you.
- C-Scene: West Coast - Pomona, CA (US)
- C-Scene: South West - Dallas, TX (US)
- C-Scene: South West - Plano, TX (US)
- C-Scene: South West - Austin, TX (US)
- C-Scene: East Coast (US)
- C-Scene: East Coast - FL (US)
- C-Scene: East Coast - Reston, VA (US)
- C-Scene: UK (Europe)
- C-Scene: Gabrovo, Bulgaria [1-8]
- C-Scene: BC, Canada [1-8]
- C-Scene: Ontario, Canada
- C-Scene: Quebec, Canada [1-8]
- C-Scene: Oviedo, Spain
- C-Scene: Bangkok, Thailand
If you are interested in mirroring C-Scene, we'd like to hear from you!
Please send email to ixx@cscene.org.
If you are just mirroring for personal use you do not need to send me email, but
you can if you want so we will know who is finding the site useful. You can
use a program such as wget or w3mir to get the site or just get the file
Those who are mirroring C-Scene, please make sure the latest issue reflects on
your mirror. Those mirrors that don't update will be removed from the mirror
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If you want to contribute to C-Scene, you can do that in the following ways: